Is Your Pet Itching for Relief?

posted: by: County Line Veterinary Service Tags: "Clinic Specials" "News" 

Fall is an extremely itchy time of year for many of our pets.  This is the time of year when the flea population is highest.  It is also a time when our weed and leaf mold allergies are in high gear.

Most skin diseases look similar.  If your pet is itching excessively any time of year, you need to schedule an exam so that the quickest diagnosis can be made.  Once the diagnosis is made, the proper treatment can be prescribed.

The first relief of itching starts in the spring with a good quality flea prevention.  We recommend Revolution Plus for all cats and Simparica or Simparica Trio for all dogs.  The latest either of these products should start is May 1st, but if you already have fleas on your pet, you need to start them immediately.  You need to use these products on ALL pets in your environment.

The only Allergies that are curable are those caused by skin mites and food allergies.  This is part of the reason we need to test and evaluate your pets.

Most other allergies are manageable.  We try to manage them to control itching, redness, skin irritation, greasy ears and other symptoms that goes along with allergies. We use mediations, shampoos, diet, lifestyle changes, immunotherapy and sometimes recommend referral to a Dermatologist. 

Remember, an itchy pet needs a thorough exam of their skin and ear canals to compile a complete history to help us pinpoint the source of the itching. Once we have all the information, a properly administered treatment plan is the quickest way to get your pet relief.